
segunda-feira, 11 de outubro de 2010

The foursome Christian pop-punk band Hangnail is made up of guitarists and vocalists Matt Wendt and Nick Radovanovic, vocalist, bassist, and songwriter Mike Middleton, and drummer Jacob Dosemagen, all musically talented and spiritually devoted young men.

O quarteto de pop-punk cristão Hangnail é composta pelo guitarristas e vocalistas Matt Wendt e Nick Radovanovic, vocalista, baixista e compositor Mike Middleton, e baterista Jacob Dosemagen, todos são músicos talentosos e espiritualmente dedicados.


Myspace: www.myspace.com/riphangnailrip


(2001) Hangnail - Facing Chang

Sick of Change

sexta-feira, 1 de outubro de 2010


Sick of Change was a 4 piece christian punk band from Fontana, California. Sick of Change consisted of Kevin Scott on vocals, Andrew Tremblay on guitar, Travis Seinturier on bass and Rich Tremblay on drums.

Sick of Change é um quarteto, punk cristão de Fontana, California. Sick of Change tem como integrantes Kevin Scott vocal, Andrew Tremblay guitarra, Travis Seinturier baixo e Rich Tremblay bateria.


Myspace: www.myspace.com/sickofchangeband


(1999) Sick of Change - in our time of need

(2001) Sick of Change - these shattered lives